Monday, November 01, 2010; Comments

Today was a happy day.expecting a job interview at raffles places.but decided to go to toa payoh to look for another job for incase.went with edwin roaming the whole toa payoh.guess wat!all the store which need to employ people need only female part-time workers.wth!hahaha!eventually we found a job as a salesman at a handphone shop:)took the number and call and the person tell me to meet him at 11.30 the time i call him was went and the boss was so eager to employ us but he say he will consider and call back two days later because we are still young and schooling.BABY I MISS U!CANT WAIT TO MEET U:)wed!muacks!laopo i love u:)the whole day i kept thinking of u:)hope u too.haha.bye everyone.
