muay thai training
Thursday, November 11, 2010; Comments

wake up in the mornng at 8.went with my sis for a hair cut and hair treatment waited for so damn long.then after went to grandma visit her lots of my relative was there so we started to chat.haha so noisy:)but nvm.then at nite ate my grandma cooked food.then watch ai!then went back home feeling very tired.reach home le.bath then go to bed le.goodnight:)everyone:)and baby im sry and thank you:)for forgiving me;)i love u baby!


i'm sorry for wat i have said to you.

All i wanted to say now is'im very sry and i regret telling u those words.
Is that really too much to ask ... I had a bad dream . Dreaming you'd leave me . Because these few days everything just didn't go right for us . And it just carried on this way until finally we split.
I was really worried . I started to tear . Then i just told you i was afraid you will leave me too.then my parents keep nagging then i felt very irritated.i also scared tat u will leave me.i didnt did it on purpose.and u call me telling me u miss me.ok but u keep making the sad voice.i miss u too baby.
I was too afraid after telling u tat i go jump off building... the next thing i say was bye.I was really very tired and irritated at tat time.when i hang ur heart felt reali pain.i dont want you to leave me.
baby i know tat when u are sad when u needed me the most i am not there for u .i am sry for my doing and those words tat i im sry and i love u!reali!


Friday, November 05, 2010; Comments

today in the morning met baby to go for band.was so happy lah cause so miss her mah:)so we meet at blk649.i told her about my dream which is that.i dreamt of mr ng telling me to play the solo then i cannot play then kana scolding.omg!i was so scared lah.but luckily is just a dream.saw inez and hanxin.then baby say she hungry haven eat breaksfast so we walk to school cantten to have breaksfast lor.haha bought a super duper big plate of chicken rice.then baby keep saying will grow fat HAHAHA!int he end we still clear the plate of chicken rice then we went up to the bandroom waited awhile then the door is open.went in and set my instrutment,start to play a few note.after awhile we went to fall in.the same old process.after fall in we go back in bandroom.then mr ng came start asking who is going overseas then alot of people go then he keep scolding at the people who are going overseas.was so bored lah.but bobian.then mr ng wan the com to suggest a idea to him in 15mins.after 3 hours of waiting the problem is solved.haiz and it is time to pack up and go home.did nothing for the ng also said sry to the sec 4na people.cause like waste our time mah.but nvm lah we told him.then the band went to fall in while the sec 4 stay he wan talk to us about our section.after band christine,baby and i went to bandworld to send christine instrutment for repair.took mrt there.take super long lah.reach tat time they bought butterfly bread to eat cause they were very HUNGRY AHAHA!tehn they walk while eat.after sending the instrutment they went was inside the toilet then christine wan to scare her go closed the light very bad leh!sry baby i nv stop her:(we went to the foodcourt to eat as they are still hungry.i told them i dun wan to eat but inthe end they bought chicken rice for me so good!while im eating rice they keep forcing me to eat the meat.then bobian i have to:)cannot disobey haha!after eating we went back in the mrt it was so packed.ergh i hate crowd but nvm we still have to go back amk hub.when the door is closing a india man rush in.then i have to move back.then got one man hand keep pushing my i use my elbow to push back.after a few minutes he put down his hand shout at me say 'eh y keep pushing'?then i replied got meh?!then we start to that time i feel like giving him a punch right in his face!!i also shout back at him so he kept quiet.after awhile he getting off the mrt then he say siam lah!but i dun care i nv move then he push me and baby.tehn after the door closed he stand outside and stare at me wtf!no life!haha!on the way back baby say tat she very worry ...sry abby i cant control myself when i am angry.i will try ok?and i will say sry next time.sry:)then at tat time christine very scared hahah!keep pulling baby shirt.after 15mins we reach amk le.every single one of us took different bus back.then on the bus.have a small fight with baby:(then she msg me say let me cool down first then talk to her.haiz is my fault...but in the end everything is fine and ok le:)baby i love u !!!!!muack!baby i promise u tat i will not argue with anyone so rashly.and i will give u a sense of security:)


Wednesday, November 03, 2010; Comments

today in the morning at 8.10 rush down to sku to meet baby.was very tired didnt slept well last night.after we met we went to mac to have BREAKSFAST!FINALLY!almost die of hunger haha:)we chat while we ate:)then saw some our skumates.then start to talk about a couple:)wth lah buy newspaper and read like old couple like tat.maybe tat is their style.we went to bishan to look for a phone shop,but was too has not open yet so we wnt back amk to find edwin.edwin and baby went to my house to play scrabble:)haha edwin won because i helped him lol!i left with two was good in tat game everytime form long words.after the game we had a small fight...sry baby i love u!after tat we wnt to kpool.before tat edwin ate a plate of rice tat consume a small portion of food and tat cause him 3.70 hahha!stupid sia.inside kpool while playing dunno y the ball just cant get in the pockets!very angry!but after awhile ok le.maybe unlucky lor:(but nvm still win:)after playing we went to sumo hse to eat.i order a side dish which is octopus disgusting and different from others japanese restaurant lor the taste sucks and the colour is black in colour!OMG!!!i swear i will nv order again!after eating baby nv talk to me dunno y .after a long distance finally we reach the come towards me and ask wat wrong.i answer her say i thought u dun wan talk.then the bus came we went up.sat beside baby and heard her i comfort her and tell her tat BABY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN I WILL NOT IGNORE U I WILL ASK U WAT HAPPEN.I WAN U TO KNOW NO MATTER WHAT U WONT BE ALONE U HAVE ME BESIDE U ALL THE WAY:)BABY I LOVE U:)and to my surprise she cried louder and i ask y.she say very touching hahahahha!baby u very cute!muacks!went to the shop again the person say cannot we went to ion orchad to find a shop.we took a cab there during the journey baby keep tickling me haha!then we keep laughing while edwin is bored to death sitting infront alone HEHE:)reach orchad we walk and walk cannot find.then suddenly we pass a uncle sitting on a bench with his leg raise.OMG HE NEVER WEAR UNDERGARMENTS!!!!DISGUSTING!hhaaha but funny.edwin lah tell me see actually i nv saw one lor.nvm.then we continue walking finally asking alot of people we reach the place but the shop we finding,is not there.haiz nvm then we took cab back amk.both of them came my house awhile to rest then they went back le:)so what happen today tell me tat there will be sad moments and happy times happening in our life.things may end the way u want is how the way reaction to it or solve it.and also how u fix the problem.SO BABY DUN WRY I WILL NOT LEAVE U BECAUSE WITHOUT U I CANT LIVE.U ARE LIKE OXYGEN:)I NEED U WITH ME FOR THE WHOLE LIFE TIME:)BABY I LOVE U !!!!MUACK MUACK!HUG!


Tuesday, November 02, 2010; Comments

woke up in the morning at 8am feeling giddy and tired.first thing to do is to msg my baby:)telling me tat she is scared and stress about her result as today is the day of checking the relax dun worry.u have studied for the exam mah and u have work hard for it:)after tat in the afternoon went back to sleep Hehehehe very tired.AT 4 i went out for my muay thai training:)feeling so good after a nap:)my dad drove me there.before the training we bought a sand bag haha so happy finally after so long.i have one.when i reach the club i was shocked tat my coach told me to join the expert class for training:)OMG!is super tiring and fun.the training was tough.and so different from the beginner include sparing,learning combo moves and longer duration.after training went back home.on the cab girl call me and disturb me wan to be ps infront of the taxi driver.wanting to tell her the carplate no. haha.later uncle thought wat happen.reach home feeling very tired went to bath straight away.awaiting for the sandbag haha.girl im not angry about the dream just jealous haha u should be happy.relax and i'm happy,pleased of wat u say to too:)i miss u.although it is less then a day to meet.haha see u 2morow.'beancurd'HEHE.MUACK!LOVE U :)TTM TTC AND MANY MANY MORE!!!!


Monday, November 01, 2010; Comments

Today was a happy day.expecting a job interview at raffles places.but decided to go to toa payoh to look for another job for incase.went with edwin roaming the whole toa payoh.guess wat!all the store which need to employ people need only female part-time workers.wth!hahaha!eventually we found a job as a salesman at a handphone shop:)took the number and call and the person tell me to meet him at 11.30 the time i call him was went and the boss was so eager to employ us but he say he will consider and call back two days later because we are still young and schooling.BABY I MISS U!CANT WAIT TO MEET U:)wed!muacks!laopo i love u:)the whole day i kept thinking of u:)hope u too.haha.bye everyone.
