i'm sorry for wat i have said to you.
Thursday, November 11, 2010; Comments

All i wanted to say now is'im very sry and i regret telling u those words.
Is that really too much to ask ... I had a bad dream . Dreaming you'd leave me . Because these few days everything just didn't go right for us . And it just carried on this way until finally we split.
I was really worried . I started to tear . Then i just told you i was afraid you will leave me too.then my parents keep nagging then i felt very irritated.i also scared tat u will leave me.i didnt did it on purpose.and u call me telling me u miss me.ok but u keep making the sad voice.i miss u too baby.
I was too afraid after telling u tat i go jump off building... the next thing i say was bye.I was really very tired and irritated at tat time.when i hang ur phone.my heart felt reali pain.i dont want you to leave me.
baby i know tat when u are sad when u needed me the most i am not there for u .i am sry for my doing and those words tat i say.baby im sry and i love u!reali!
